Article Acceptance
Mentor has started accepting articles.
Mentor uses the own website for the reviewing process. Scientists and artists who are experts in the field of fine arts and related fields and who want to be referees in article evaluation processes can apply for refereeing after becoming a member by using the link
Unless there is a contrary situation, Mentor journal selects its referees from the own infrastructure. Those whose memberships are approved by Mentor editorial board can be appointed as referees according to their areas of expertise.
Mentor journal uses a "Double-sided Blind Review" system.
Mentor journal appoints referees whose academic titles are equivalent to those of the authors. Except in cases of necessity, each author is evaluated by a referee who is equal to or more senior than him/her. In polygraphic articles, referees are appointed according to the title of the responsible author, in the context of the above explanation.
The names of the referees who have completed their review duties for published articles are published in the issue containing the article they refereed. Referee documents are sent to the e-mail address of the referee whose review has been completed within 7 business days.
The entries that referees are expected to take into consideration during the article evaluation process can be listed as follows;
- Originality,
- Contribution to the literature,
- Mastery of the literature,
- Method, analysis and evaluation,
- A clear and fluent style of expression,
- Interpretation.
Mentor expects its referees to be impartial and scientific.
Mentor has started accepting articles.
The journal is licensed under a Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
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