Article Acceptance
Mentor has started accepting articles.
Click for APA Writing Rules and Reference Citation Method,
Click for APA Writing Rules Samples,
Click for Journal Manuscript Template,
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1. Mentor, Academic Journal of Art and Design (MASTDER), is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal published every 4 months, 3 times a year (in March, July and November). Articles can be sent in Turkish or English.
2. Articles sent to Mentor must not have been published any platform before and must not have been submitted to another printed/electronic journal or medium for publication. If it is determined that the articles submitted to Mentor and/or taken to the refereeing process have been sent to another medium and that an identical or similar version has been published before, the process will be cancelled. The institutions to which the relevant author/authors are affiliated will be informed.
3. Original researches in the field of fine arts are published in Mentor.
4. Articles are evaluated via the journal website. Applications are accepted at
5. Articles submitted to Mentor Journal are first subjected to a preliminary review in terms of form and content. Articles that are deemed appropriate in terms of form and content are submitted to the editorial board to be assigned as referees. During the preliminary control phase, it is determined within 1 week whether the articles sent to Mentor will enter the refereeing process.
6. Articles uploaded to Mentor are checked for similarity using the Turnitin or iThenticate plagiarism program. In the scan, a maximum similarity rate of up to 15% will be accepted in our journal, provided that it is not entirely from one or two sources. Studies with a similarity rate between 15-20% will be sent to the author(s) for correction. Studies with a similarity rate above 20% will not be accepted for publication.
7. If deemed appropriate, referee(s) are appointed for the articles reviewed anonymously by the Editorial Board. Each article is sent to at least two referees as an anonymous text.
8. If a correction is requested from the author by the decision of the referee/s, the correction must be made within the period specified by the editorship and delivered to the editorial board. Otherwise, the study will be removed from the process by the editor's decision.
9. All Turkish and English articles must have a Turkish title, Turkish abstract, English title, and English abstract at the beginning. The abstract sections must not exceed 200 words. Care must be taken to include the purpose, method, findings, and conclusion information in the abstract. No citations or references should be made in the abstracts. Key words must be written in English and Turkish under the abstract title. The number of key words must be at least 3 and at most 5 words and/or phrases. Key words must preferably be selected from the indexes of the field. The abstract text must be written in 10-point Garamond, justified on both sides, and must fit on a single page. The introduction must start on the next page (page 2).
10.The type of article (research, case report, review, etc.) must be specified in the application for articles sent to Mentor for publication. Studies that do not include the purpose, method, findings and conclusion headings are not considered as "Research Article".
11. The title of the article should be written first in the original language of the article and then in the other language, 12 points, capital letters, bold and centered on the page. The abstract, keywords should be written in 10 points, with the first letter capitalized, the other letters lowercase, bold and left aligned. If the study has been presented before, produced from a project or thesis, etc., a footnote (*) should be placed at the end of the title of the article and the necessary explanation should be made.
12. When applying to the Mentor article application system, the contact form, the wet-signed copyright transfer form and the article application form are should be filled. These forms are available on the application system. If the article sent to Mentor journal uses data collected through surveys, interviews, focus group studies, etc., the permission documents obtained from the relevant institution and/or the Ethics Committee Approval Document must be uploaded to the "Mentor Article Application System" during the article application.
13. The full names of the author(s) should be written below the article title, right-justified, with the first letter capitalized and the other letters lowercase, and the title, institution and e-mail information should be included in the footnote by adding a footnote to the name.
14. All articles' bibliography, footnotes, in-text citations, tables, figures, graphics, pictures, etc. arrangements must be made in accordance with the writing principles specified in the source named "The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th edition), 2001" published by the American Psychological Association (APA). You can access the Mentor Academic Art and Design Journal article template and article writing rules from:
Click for APA Writing Rules and Reference Citation Method,
Click for APA Writing Rules Samples,
Click for Journal Manuscript Template.
15. Submitted articles must be written with 6pt and single line spacing before and after. It must be maximum 20 pages, 8000 words and A4 page size, including tables and figures. The body text of the article must be prepared using 12 point, Garamond and English font. The page structure must be written with 2.5 cm from the top and bottom, 2 cm from the right and left, gutter margin 0.5 cm from the left and justified to both sides. Different information must be applied to single and double pages, header and footer as 1.25 cm.
16. Title classification in the text can be done with numbers. 1, 1.1., 1.1.1.; 2., 2.1., 2.1.1., 3., 3.1., 3.1.1. etc. Only the ‘Introduction’ and ‘References’ titles will not be numbered. Except for the main titles of the article in Turkish and English (Garamond, 12 points, bold and centered), all other titles should be written with the first letter capitalized and the other letters lowercase, bold and aligned left. The choice of making title classification in articles is left to the author(s) preference.
17. There should be no paragraph indents in the text and titles of articles submitted for publication.
18. The figures, graphics and tables of the articles submitted to Mentor Academic Art and Design Journal must comply with the format specified by the journal. Footnotes, graphics and tables should be placed on the page referred to or immediately following it as much as possible. Notes under graphics and tables should aim to make these materials understandable without looking at the main text. Table and figure titles should be written left-justified, 12-point, Garamond, bold and numbered (“Table 1:” or “Figure 5:” etc.). Table and figure titles should be written in italics (Example: Table 1: Number of Cartoons Made and Released Between 1928 and 1970). Tables and figures should be left-justified and the text wrapping feature should be disabled. “Notes” placed under the table should be written in 10-point and italic. Equations and formulas used in the text of the article should be numbered.
19. The entire bibliography should be prepared using Garamond, 12 point, single line spacing, and 6pt before and after paragraph spacing. Each work entry in the bibliography should hang at 1.25 cm. The text should be justified on both sides.
20. Each appendix included in the article should be given on a separate page, after the references. Titles should be written in bold, capital letters and left-justified (such as “APPENDIX 1:”).
21. If there is an explanation in the article as a footnote and a reference is made to any source in the footnote, this source should also be stated in the bibliography. Works not used in the text of the article should not be included in the bibliography.
22. (If the research is written in Turkish), The Turkish Language Association’s spelling guide and spelling rules should be taken as an example in the articles. For detailed information, see the Turkish Language Association’s web page: Turkish dictionaries should be used as much as possible instead of foreign words. When using unfamiliar Turkish words, the foreign language equivalents should be given in parentheses where they are first used. Foreign words in the text should be in italics.
23. Articles sent in English and the English sections of articles sent in Turkish must be subjected to a competent language check before submission. Regardless of the content, articles with inadequate language content are returned/rejected. It is important for authors to pay utmost attention to this issue.
24. The author(s) are responsible for the thoughts and ideas expressed in the articles.
25. The author(s) of the articles (printed and electronic) accepted for publication in the journal and published are deemed to have transferred their copyrights to Mentor Academic Art and Design Journal free of charge.
26. All communication regarding the article submission and evaluation processes is carried out via the Mentor website. Information is not provided via communication channels such as telephone, e-mail, etc.
27. If the submitted articles do not meet the conditions stated above, they will be rejected by the editor without being evaluated.
Mentor has started accepting articles.
The journal is licensed under a Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
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